Catherine's Chili

Note: The key to this recipe is to simmer as long as you have time for to let the flavors meld together. Surprisingly, the oregano and the cumin are what really add to the "kick" of this, so if you want more or less spice, those are the ingredients to adjust. If you want to adjust to your own tastes, add 1/2 tsp at a time, stir, let simmer for 5 minutes and taste. Repeat as necessary. You will need your largest pot! This serves about 8 hungry people. Serve over rice & top with cheese & sour cream (or however you like).

- 3 15oz cans of beans or equivalent (Suggestions: Kidney, Black, Pinto, Navy)
- 1 lb of ground beef, turkey, or loose sausage, browned
- 1 15oz can of diced tomatoes
- 1 28oz can of crushed tomatoes
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped (I use the kind in a jar)
- 1 tbsp parsley
- 2 tsp oregano or "Italian seasonings blend"
- 2 tsp paprika
- 2 tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1/2 cup chopped onion (optional - or 1 tsp onion powder)
- 1/2 - 1 cup chopped green pepper (optional)
- cornstarch, flour, or masa flour to thicken

- Open all your cans (beans & tomoatoes) and empty them into a stock pot
- Add your cooked meat, stir and set the temperature to medium-high
- While you are waiting for the mixture to start bubbling, add your spices, onion, and pepper; stir.
- After it starts bubbling, turn it down to low or medium-low so that it just simmers.
- Simmer for 1hour or longer, stirring every 15 minutes so it does not burn or stick.
- Before serving, you can add your thickener if you like.
For cornstarch: add 1 tbsp of cornstarch to half a cup of water and stir until dissolved, then stir into the chili, wait 5 minutes and test. Repeat until desired consistency is reached.
For flour: No need to ad to water first, just add 1 tbsp of flour at a time to your chili, stir, wait 5 minutes and test. Repeat until desired consistency is reached.

source: my own recipe


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